I recently finished a freelance project I had been working on. A friend and fellow Evergreen graduate needed an album cover for some jam band style songs he and other students recorded. He had me listen to the tracks and draw what came to mind. Here is what I came up with:
I used my favorite black india ink markers by Faber-Castell and hand drew tons of tiny paisleys in the shape of a music note. The finished piece is poster size and it took me about 3 hours to complete. I sent the signed original to my buddy, along with jpegs of it and even a few photos of me working on the project. I had a great time creating this fun piece and hope to get more freelance work in the future. Here are some of the photos my boyfriend took of me during the process:
Hi, Missy! I am very impressed with your artistic ability in creating that paisley music note album cover. It's superb! I have no doubt you are an all-around awesome person and I have decided to follow your blog. If you like the Beatles and the Stones then I invite you to take a look at my blog when you get a chance. I was a teenager when the Beatles exploded worldwide and my blog is a celebration of the music and memories of my youth, the best of the 1950s thru the 90s. I think you'd enjoy my blog and if you decide to follow I will welcome you as a new friend. Thank you, Missy, and have a great day!